Hi again guys! Just wanted to say that I submitted my first real game to NG so be sure to check it out. Vote, Review and Favorite if you want! Also, I added 9 medals to it, which are still unapproved.
That is all.
EDIT: For you guys that can't find the Weebl medal, the easter egg can be found somewhere around the Preloader.
I'm STILL trying to solve that last review for 20/20, heh. (:
However, in my mad quest, something else happens. Sometimes, when I have finished the game, it will display an animated "Loading Results..." with two animated hourglass icons, and just seems to remain indefinitely.
- Ziro out.
The guide was posted at the bottom of this page here:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/1035978/718
Thanks for mentioning the loading results, I thought I got rid of that, but apparently not. I'll be sure to fix it once I get back home.